Create connection
We consider it our highest privilege to provide your ultimate creative center - your womb space - with the caring attention it deserves to help restore its connection and grace.
Our Womb Health Offering combines Eastern Medicine, Gyno Pelvic Visceral Manipulation, Mercier Therapy, Aroma Point Therapy and Fertility Massage. This specialized technique is designed to increase blood flow and regulate hormones by boosting the supply of oxygen and nutrients to reproductive structures within the pelvic area. This is an ideal therapy for a wide range of womb-related concerns.
Areas of Treatment
This highly-specialized treatment reconnects you to your sacred center healing emotional and physical trauma. Our clients report improved awareness of their womb space and an increase in pleasure and intimacy.
Additional benefits include: a reduction in adhesions, scar tissue, and abdominal tension and increased mobility in the uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes, hips and back.
Caring Support
Beneficial for women of all ages. We support clients experiencing fertility challenges, gynecological issues, pain during intercourse, lack of sensation, trauma recovery and post surgery scarring.
Benefits include:
Improved Intimacy & Sexual Health
Gynecological Health
Fertility Support
Postpartum Healing
What to expect during your experience
Dr. Mechelle offers gentle Womb Health sessions in a safe and comfortable environment. During your office visit she will review your detailed health history and concerns to develop a treatment plan designed specifically to support your unique needs.